CEU Improving Soundscapes in Education presentation
Presented on May 16, 2024, no-recording currently provided by company.
Undesirable acoustics in educational spaces have long been considered averse to our goals to effectively teach, create, collaborate, listen, and learn. Now, in the wake of implementing pandemic protocols, our acoustic comfort in these spaces is greatly challenged. This course examines the impacts of poor soundscapes in educational facilities and introduces innovative solutions for improving acoustics in these areas while keeping us comfortable and safe from exposure to emerging viruses.
At the end of this program, participants will be able to:
• Identify the factors that affect our acoustic experience in
a space and explain why noise distracts us and impacts our health, behavior, comfort, and emotions
• Evaluate the performance attributes of PET felt and demonstrate how its versatility offers an aesthetic as well as sound absorption solution
• Identify design strategies using PET felt to facilitate acoustic comfort in teaching and learning environments
• Discuss how protective coverings and social distancing can make hearing and speech clarity more difficult in educational spaces, and
• Discuss how an installation of PET felt can help with communication challenges, defining space parameters, and hygiene practices in learning spaces in a post-